Couch Potato Chronicles

Good things come to those who wait.

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Well over 1 3/4 years ago, I started working on an idea for a potential web series. I shot the pilot, plus a 2nd episode in 2014, just to prove to myself I could do it. Then, after lots of thinking, I knew I was in love with my project and decided to make it a full blown series and shot the rest of the season in 2015.CPC 2.19.16

“Couch Potato Chronicles” first and foremost strives to make people laugh, but it can also be seen as a commentary on how human connection becomes more difficult with the growing distractions of Television, Media, modern technology and, oh yes, the Apocalypse.CPC TVs 2.19.16

It boasts a diverse cast of Latinos, including yours truly and is heavily supported by Inner Circle Theatre, my friends and my beloved family. I’m so proud of my creation and I’m eternally grateful to the cast, the crew and all the above folks who helped along the way.CPC Thank You

We may have started shooting Couch Potato Chronicles in 2014, but we hope to take the Internet by storm in 2016!

It’s true. The best things in life are worth waiting for.

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